Music Minstry
Our Vision
To uplift the church and congregation through a diverse selection of music that appeals to all generations. Every ensemble of the church strives toward musical excellence and focuses on spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through song.
Purpose of Worship
We gather on the Lord’s Day to experience the presence of God, to bow before His claim and call upon our lives, and to praise and worship Him as our Creator and Redeemer. Each time we worship, we are acknowledging that there is a God who has authority over us, and to whom we are ultimately accountable. We worship a God who provides unconditional love and forgiveness, and who desires a close relationship with us. As we draw near to Him in Worship, He draws near to us. Worship provides us the opportunity to corporately honor and praise God.
Therefore the goal of our worship will be to:
- Bring each person into the presence of the divine God so that we genuinely encounter God in fresh ways.
- Make us aware of our failure and weaknesses as sinful creatures and offer hope, strength and forgiveness through the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
- Release us to enter the world renewed and set free in Jesus Christ, inspired and empowered by the Holy Spirit, witnessing of our faith, and ready to serve God and others.
Contact Minister of Music, Marius Chasen or Director, Selvin Harris for more information